LeaderPass live

CFX Essentials

Teaching, Equipping and Supporting Growth-Oriented Church Teams

April 28—29, 2023
Charlotte, NC
Christ Lutheran Church

4519 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC 28226

coupon price The ultimate training and development event for the southeast region, CFX Essentials is a cost-effective educational experience for the most important investment of time and resources in your church.

2 tracks 30+ sessions 1.5 days

Today's churches are facing a variety of challenges as they adapt to new ways of delivering services in person and online. They're also finding new ways to manage their facilities and maintain the safety of their sanctuaries and ministries.

The churches that are reaching more, engaging more, and serving more are focused on these "essential" ministries and resources of their churches. We call this event Essentials because reaching, engaging, and serving are essential for the mission of every church. No other event delivers so much education for church leadership teams, staff, and volunteers in just 1.5 days!

Who attends?

CFX Essentials is designed to support churches of all sizes and is priced to deliver extraordinary value to leadership teams, staff and volunteers. CFX Essentials is held on April 28—29, 2023 (Friday afternoon and Saturday) to fit into busy schedules and to support the training needs of staff and key volunteers.

CFX Essentials is attended by:

  • Pastors and Executive Pastors
  • Tech and Worship Directors
  • Facility or Building Managers
  • Staff and Key Volunteers

CFX Essentials will...

  • Raise the skills of your production, communications, facility, and safety teams
  • Support the evaluation of manufacturers or solution providers
  • Demystify the AVL project planning process
  • Educate leadership on church building project trends and processes
  • Teach new skills and methods for facility management
  • Support the implementation of new safety and security procedures

Conference Agenda

CFX Essentials is composed of two comprehensive tracks.

Hybrid Worship Production and Engagement

Every church has educational and training needs for the tech leader, staff, and volunteers, as well as their communications teams. Churches today strive to enhance the in-person and online experience and increase engagement with their communities. CFX Essentials delivers tangible education, training, exposure, and inspiration for the development of your ministry teams.

Session topics include:

  • The Basics of Creating a Good Livestream
  • Audio Mixing 101
  • Developing a Good On-Screen Look
  • Troubleshooting Livestreaming Problems
  • Camera Angles & Lighting
  • Troubleshooting Audio Problems
  • Creating Short Films for Deeper Engagement
  • Tech Upgrade Master Planning
  • Engagement Opportunities During a Livestream
  • Using Tech to Create Space for Worship
  • Service Planning: What All Needs to Be Considered
  • What Does Creative Ministry Look Like?
  • Websites & Social Media
  • Tech Maintenance
  • Using Your Resources to Share Christ Online

Facility Design, Use, and Safety

Maximizing the use, care, and safety of your church is essential for every church today. CFX Essentials provides church leaders and volunteers the opportunity to learn from other churches and experts how to plan, approach, and implement upgrades and safety procedures, as well as facility and safety technology. Investing in learning about current approaches, design considerations, finance, and safety is essential to a thriving church environment.

Session topics include:

  • Safety Procedures & Plans
  • Energy Management
  • Design Concepts for Maximum Engagement
  • Contingency Planning
  • Developing a Safety & Security Ministry
  • When to Build New, Purchase & or Remodel Your Existing Space
  • Creating a Budget for a Building Upgrade or New Construction Project
  • Developing a Maintenance & Repair Plan and Budget
  • Standard Operating Procedures for Facility Management
  • De-Escalation Training
  • Security Training
  • Cleaning Practices
  • Using Your Unused Spaces
  • Designing Your Building for Worship
LeaderPass live

CFX Essentials

Teaching, Equipping and Supporting Growth-Oriented Church Teams

April 28—29, 2023
Charlotte, NC
Christ Lutheran Church

4519 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC 28226

coupon price The ultimate training and development event for the southeast region, CFX Essentials is a cost-effective educational experience for the most important investment of time and resources in your church.

2 tracks 30+ sessions 1.5 days

Join this event only on Leaderpass, your platform for world-class experts and events.

  • In-person Ticket on April 28—29, 2023

    Admission to the live event in Charlotte, NC
  • On-demand Pass (optional)

    Watch & rewatch all sessions in brilliant HD for a full year on Leaderpass


Your pick of in-person ticket or in-person + on-demand access.

Conference ticket
from$ 79

Team discounts available

One-time payment, no recurring charges. Refund policy

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CFX Essentials

April 28—29, 2023

Teaching, Equipping and Supporting Growth-Oriented Church Teams

Make a selection:

In-person Ticketcoupon Event admission Selected
In-person + On-demandEvent admission + on-demand access Selected
In-person Tickets for GroupsEvent admission Selected
In-person + On-demand for GroupsEvent admission + on-demand access Selected

Admission to the CFX Essentials event in Charlotte on April 28—29.

Select Quantity


Admission to the CFX Essentials event + 1 year of on-demand access to all event videos after the event.

Select Quantity


The number of Passes you buy will be credited to your LeaderPass account. If you buy more than one, you'll be able to invite others to unlock this Pass in their own accounts.

Admission to the CFX Essentials event for groups of 3 or more people.

Select Quantity


You can also type a number between 3 and 50 into the circle directly.

Admission to the CFX Essentials event + 1 year of on-demand access for groups of 3 or more people.

Select Quantity


The number of Passes you buy will be credited to your LeaderPass account. If you buy more than one, you'll be able to invite others to unlock this Pass in their own accounts.

You can also type a number between 3 and 50 into the circle directly.

Your Order

Quantity Ea. Price USD

In-person Ticket

coupon Event admission
1 $129.00 $79.00 $79.00

In-person + On-demand

Event admission + on-demand access
1 $188.00 $188.00

In-person Tickets for Groups

Event admission
3 $129.00 $99.00 $297.00

In-person + On-demand for Groups

Event admission + on-demand access
3 $188.00 $158.00 $474.00

Order Total

$ 79.00

Secure Checkout

This secure website uses modern cryptography to protect your connection end-to-end. The 256-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption uses TLS 1.2, and is authenticated using the industry-leading SHA algorithm.

Payment Methods

We accept all major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

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CFX Essentials

Teaching, Equipping and Supporting Growth-Oriented Church Teams

Order Information

Your Cart

Quantity Ea. Price USD

In-person Ticket

coupon Event admission
1 $129.00 $79.00 $79.00

In-person + On-demand

Event admission + on-demand access
1 $188.00 $188.00

In-person Tickets for Groups

Event admission
3 $129.00 $99.00 $297.00

In-person + On-demand for Groups

Event admission + on-demand access
3 $188.00 $158.00 $474.00

Order Total

$ 79.00

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