A live-filmed video course from the #1 bestselling business & leadership coach John C. Maxwell, crafted specifically for the Network Marketing industry.

LeaderPass course

John Maxwell's Power of Five

for Network Marketing

leadership personal growth professional development

now streaming

Get access to this exclusive leadership training from John C. Maxwell created for the Network Marketing world.

39 Lessons 5+ hours Worksheets

Today, you have a chance to benefit from John C. Maxwell's incredible knowledge and insights that he has found makes all the difference in the world when it comes to building your business and growing your organization.

First, John wrote the book, The Power of Five, which became an instant hit. Then, he gathered top leaders together and filmed one of the most unique courses he's ever created completely designed to help equip you and your team in the pursuit of greatness.

This is the result of that intense training: a LeaderPass Course that walks you through each of the incredible Power of Five lessons, step by step.

Hands down this is the go-to book and video course we're using to help our people grow! John nailed it!

Traci M., Founder, 7+ figure earner

About the Author / Dr. John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell, the #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker who has sold more than 30 million books, has been identified as the #1 leader in business by the American Management Association® and the world’s most influential leadership expert by Business Insider and Inc. magazine.

His organizations—The John Maxwell Company, The John Maxwell Team, EQUIP, and the John Maxwell Leadership Foundation—have trained millions of leaders from every nation in the world.

For 30 years, John has spoken at over 100 Direct Sales & Network Marketing companies. He has mentored, coached, and trained the top leaders in the industry.

For John, it is about reach, and impact. That is why he is committed to making this happen with you, with the Power of Five video course, available exclusively on LeaderPass.

Wow! Everyone on our team needs to have access to this at all times!

Becky B. - 8-figure earner, with over a billion dollars in sales

About the Book / The Power of Five

After observing and talking with hundreds of people at different stages of their business, John C. Maxwell has identified five essential secrets that separate the successful from the unsuccessful — and decided to write the book called The Power of Five for Network Marketers.

John doesn't hold back and delivers candid insight, actual real-world application, and straight forward takeaways you can use to accelerate your growth today.

Lesson plan / The Power of Five

  • 39 Lessons

    Easy to follow, 5-10min each
  • 5+ hours of in-depth training

    Candid insight, real-world application, and leadership gold

Getting Started Well

John Maxwell opens the course by giving you three key questions to answer when you consider any new venture. This is a person's first step to getting started well in their business.


Becoming More Valuable

John shares the idea of being something before you can do something. These techniques will show you how to make yourself more valuable to others almost instantly.


DNA of Network Marketing

John has identified over 23 values that make up the DNA of Network Marketing. Learn what they are and share them with others to strengthen belief in the profession.


Success Advice

John's success advice begins with the word "always". Learn his 5 daily practices that will make you successful in any business, especially in Network Marketing.


Three Streams of Income

Learn why the best way to control your destiny is to control your dollars, and how multiple streams of income help this become your reality.


Relationships & More Options

John shares his take on how Network Marketing gives you lifelong relationships and options like no other industry - then how you can use both of those to get you to the next level.


Experiences You Hold On To

Take a quick journey with John as he shares how he creates experiences with his own family, and why prioritizing amazing experiences do more to mold us than anything else.



Learn John’s simple method of learning and taking notes when he reads, listens, or watches a talk that helps him quickly put into motion critical takeaways so he can use what he’s discovered vs collecting dust in a notebook on his shelf.


What Really Matters

John reveals how most things that we think matter, really don’t. He then helps you establish why growing yourself and growing others is one of the essentials to strive for when building a successful organization.


How to Guarantee A Better Tomorrow

John gives his foundational principle to live by that truly can guarantee your tomorrow will be better than today, and why a better future is not a result of getting older.


The Learning Cycle

You can’t go to something, unless you let go of something. John shares his method of learning, unlearning, and relearning so you can go to your next level of success in your business.


The Get Better Ultimatum

Hear how John is truly a champion of Network Marketing because he believes there isn’t another organization that promotes growing people more, but it’s your responsibility to get better or get left behind.


Create a Growth Environment - Part 1

John teaches you that we do better in an environment where people are ahead of us. Learn his steps to creating the perfect growth environment for yourself and your growing team


Create a Growth Environment - Part 2

You have to be outgrowing yesterday to grow into today and that comes through failure. John shares why he believes the Network Marketing business is a safe environment for you and your people to fail.


The People Path

John has discovered and teaches you his connecting practices so you can develop the power to make someone else feel heard, to make them feel that they matter.


Being in the People Business

John wraps up his connecting practices and establishes that you are officially in the people business. Learn these steps so you can be a river for others to grow, not a reservoir.


Your Connecting Strengths

You have unique and exceptional connecting strengths. In this lesson, get ideas about your own strengths from John as he shares his 6 connecting strengths. Discover, develop, and use them all the time in your business.


Relating to Others

A leader leads everyone differently based on their motivations. John teaches the first 2 motivations out of 7, and a scoring method to reveal just how strong yours is.


Lead With What Motivates Them

When you learn what motivates your people, you lead them accordingly. John continues with the next group of motivations so you can get a clearer picture of what this means in your life and your team’s.


How to Become Highly Motivated

The greater the reasons, the greater the motivation. John teaches you the final motivations and how to put it all together.


Greatest Gap in Success

John says if there was only one thing he could talk to you about, it would be to explain how the greatest gap between successful and unsuccessful people is how they think.


Self-thought to Self-focus

John teaches his morning steps that train his mind beginning with intentional thinking, and moves to focusing on intentional actions, culminating into powerful self-talk guiding him to success.


Mindset is Not Automatic

Alter your life by altering your state of mind. John walks you through his key phrases that helps create the perfect mindset for growth.


Foundation For Great Dreams

John teaches how you can only build great dream as high as its foundation...and the foundation is realism. Learn how to use realism and defining reality to become a person of credibility.


The Uphill Twins

Everything worthwhile is uphill. John shares the 2 things that you can use to avoid the same experience others in Network Marketing have who fail, quit, and don’t accomplish their goals.


Leader Not a Clown

John gives the straightforward, blunt advice behind why criticism doesn’t bother him, and why it shouldn’t matter to you either. He includes a lesson from a conversation he had with one of today's top CEOs.


How to Gain Influence

Not only does John’s three definitions of leadership empower you to become one, but his steps to build your influence will bring you compounding results in your business.


Greatest Leadership Challenge

John’s greatest leadership challenge isn’t leading others, it’s leading himself. John then demonstrates his simple 3 step process for leading himself well on a daily basis.


Where Legends Live

Exceeding expectations is all about turning good intentions into good actions. John talks about how he sets the bar for himself and how if you can get to cycle 3 you will be amongst the legends in your industry.


Melting an Ice Cube

John gives one of the most profound principles of success through an example of how you melt an ice cube. This one piece of advice will bring you peace while you’re building your business, and will prevent you from missing out on breakthroughs.


Leadership is Visual

In the first of his four L’s of leadership, John talks about living what you say. Learn how to strike the right balance between vision casting and the Law of Buy-in with your people.


Daily Lifting Program

Continuing the four L’s we learn that leaders lift people by adding value to them. John teaches 6 questions that help you lift and inspire others daily through your leadership journey.


When to Stop Leading

John shares a real life story about Ding-a-Ling Mike in this powerful example of why you should literally walk away from leadership if this ever happens to you.


How to Find Leaders

John has a specific way that he identifies his potential leaders. Learn to recognize these three characteristics when you see them so you can accelerate your business growth with less effort.


Four Steps to Significance

John says that the big mistake in life is when you think you have to be at a certain level in life to be significant. Follow along as he gives you four simple steps that you can apply right now, no matter where you are.


The Purpose Path

For the first time ever, John provides a simple process for identifying your own purpose that you can put action to every single day.


Law of Everest

You cannot compound results by yourself. John explains why teamwork is so critical in your business journey, and as challenges escalate the need for team elevates.


It’s Not a Free Trip

John casts a vision not to unite people, but to separate the winners from the whiners. Listen as John explains how he has trained 6 million people by not allowing pretenders to take up his time.


Live Till You Die

Live until you die, and never get the two confused. John concludes the significance lesson by teaching you how great achievers learn to use positive anticipation as their energy boost to grow their impact, and don’t rely on self-discipline.

Reviews / Real customers, real opinions

John absolutely crushed this book and video course. There is no better tool to build credibility for your prospects and belief in your team to help you achieve your dream.

Justin P., 7+ figure earner, 2 million people

John simplifies what we do in a way that helps everyone from the new person to the leader think not only can I do it, but that I want to do it, and, in fact, I'm going to do it!

Darnell Self, 7+ figure earner, 25 year veteran

Focusing everyday on these 5 areas will be the key that unlocks the code to success in network marketing.

Kelley & Tyler D., 7-figure earners, $600+ million sales, 8-year career

LeaderPass course

John Maxwell's Power of Five

for Network Marketing

leadership personal growth professional development

now streaming

Get access to this exclusive leadership training from John C. Maxwell created for the Network Marketing world.

39 Lessons 5+ hours Worksheets

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John Maxwell's Power of Five

LeaderPass Course

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