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As a new lawyer, you’ve likely heard about the myth of being “practice ready” before. As you may be quickly realizing, however, there’s really no such thing. The only way you can be “ready” to practice law is by diving in head first.
Luckily, there are some steps that you can take as a new lawyer to start building a sustainable practice right away. These steps won’t make you an expert on day 1, but they will get you infinitely closer to your end goal.
In this course, legal expert Rick Petry breaks down the illusion of the practice ready lawyer by taking you through the key pieces of advice that he wishes he had been given at the beginning of his own law career over two decades ago. With Rick’s guidance, you’ll learn not only how to gain field experience quickly but also how to protect yourself from burnout, establish genuine relationships with your clients, and set realistic goals for yourself.
The bottom line is this: there is no way for a new lawyer to be “practice ready” right out of law school. It’s time to Redirect your energy towards a far more important goal: becoming a great lawyer with a sustainable, long-lasting career on the horizon.
Take the first step towards success by giving our course a try today.
Professor Petry is an extraordinary mentor, resource, and role model for students looking to transition into confident professionals!
Clifford Greene, retired trial attorney and Founder of Greene Espel PLLP, recognized as Best Lawyers in America
Rick has represented individuals and companies for nearly 20 years in criminal defense, personal injury, commercial litigation, and real estate matters as a trial attorney.
What makes him unique is that Rick is also an author and expert in human performance excellence, leadership development, and helping organizations develop high performing cultures.
Learn more about RickFind out the limitations lawyers with fixed mindsets often run into and see how shifting into a mindset of personal growth can benefit you immensely on both a personal and professional level.
Learn how to establish yourself as a trusted advisor that your clients can come to time over time with their most important issues.
Discover how to find the purpose and passion you need to sustain your career for years to come.
Follow along with Rick as he shows you exactly how to work your high hard rules into your routine.
Debunk the myth of "practice ready" and find out why developing a habit of constant learning is essential to your success in the field of law.
Hear from Rick as he shares some useful tips to help you speed up the process of mastering your specialty.
The soft skills we've covered so far will help you be a good lawyer, but it takes some hard skills to become great. Find out what you need to do in order to become a truly great lawyer.
Learn the essentials of court appearances, from picking juries to conducting appropriate cross-examination and more.
Learn the skills that are unique to the business side of practicing law, what you need to know if you're specializing in business law, and what non-specializing lawyers should understand about this field.
Use these tips to find a mentor who can help you dive past the face values of the black letter law, so that you can take yourself from good to great as efficiently as possible.
I first met Mister Rick Petry at a Dorsey and Whitney law firm function with the students of the Tazel Institute. Mr. Petry had our audience engaged from the beginning of his talk until he ended his talk. His message was powerful and resonated with young and old. The feedback from the participants and audience was amazing.
Leon Tazel - Founder of the Tazel Institute
Professor Petry is an extraordinary mentor, resource, and role model for students looking to transition into confident professionals! His experience in the “real world” of courtrooms gives life to otherwise dry or complex academic objectives. And yet, despite Prof Perry’s mastery of curriculum and classroom charisma, he is approachable and models humility.
Clifford Greene, retired trial attorney and Founder of Greene Espel PLLP, recognized as Best Lawyers in America
When it comes to getting the best out of a person, Professor Petry is second to none. He sees potential in you that you may not see in yourself and he motivates you until you to unlock it. However, he doesn’t stop there, it is a constant cycle of motivation and sharpening the new skills you discover. When I met him, I had just concluded my football career. Although I was a bit rough around the edges, he reminded me of the power I possessed to make a great lawyer someday. That was in 2017 and as of 2023, I am now a mergers and acquisitions lawyer working at one of the most prestigious Fortune 500 companies in the world.
Jeremiah Allison, Esq. - former student
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