Case Study

Meriden School System

Engaging team building program "The Congruent Leader" by Jacquelyn Wieland, featuring behavior styles training and monthly live sessions, customized for Meriden School System educators.

Case study
Type Teachers and staff training
Category Team & relationship
Keywords Behavioral assessments
Monthly Live with trainer
The Congruent Leader
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The challenge

The Meriden School System needed a specialized training platform for their educators, focusing on behavioral styles and leadership. The key was to create a unique Meriden channel on Leaderpass that was not only accessible but also offered an engaging and interactive experience beyond typical virtual platforms like Zoom. This channel had to feature live components for dynamic interaction and inspire practical application of the lessons learned.

Our approach

Leaderpass customized Jacquelyn Wieland's masterclass on behavioral styles and leadership for 30 teachers and administrative staff of the Meriden School System. We designed a structured 10-month program, integrating monthly live sessions on Leaderpass. These sessions, delivered in high-definition, were also recorded for on-demand access, allowing educators to engage with the material flexibly around their schedules.

The result

The initiative was a resounding success, earning high praise from the leadership of the Meriden School System. Participants unanimously appreciated the user-friendliness of the Leaderpass platform, highlighting its convenience and adaptability to their busy schedules.

The on-demand feature was particularly well-received, as it provided educators the flexibility to dive into the training at times best suited to them. This approach not only enhanced the learning experience but also demonstrated the potential of Leaderpass in transforming professional development in educational settings.

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